Kussmaul Electronics Co.
West Sayville, NY 11796
Colin Chambless
VP Sales and Business Development 631-567-0314 (office)
401-284-6576 (cell phone)
Val Donoghue
Marketing Manager 631-382-6045 (office)
Danny Graham
Director of Sales 8125926861 (office)
812-592-6861 (cell phone)
Ray Paul
Western Regional Sales Manager 800-346-0857 Ext:6073 (office)
916-296-5301 (cell phone)
Brian Cassell
Great Plains Regional Manager 570-728-5881 (office)
570-728-5881 (cell phone)
Kussmaul Electronics has focused on delivering products that keep vehicles energized and ready to respond when seconds count: Charging Systems – Maintain batteries and power in-vehicle electronics, Zero Emissions – Idle Mitigation System and Generator Replacement Solution, Automatic Cord Ejects – Get trucks rolling with out delay, Compressor Pumps – Maintain critical brake pressure, Inverters – Produce power for on-board AC equipment, System Indicators – Provide vehicle readiness data, and numerous electrical system; Monitors, Control, and Protection – Devices provide functionality in many areas of the vehicle electrical system. Contact us if you cannot locate a product that meets your requirements, special product adaptations can be made.
Kussmaul Zero Emissions Power. Anytime. Anywhere.
Whether your goal is to reduce engine wear and tear, limit fuel consumption, reduce emissions, or eliminate generator usage, Kussmaul Electronics has a fully customizable suite of solutions for zero emissions power.
Turn the engine off and keep the power on with lithium-ion battery technology with our two solutions: ZeroRPM, our IMS System & Freedom eGEN our Generator Replacement System.
* Dramatically reduced emissions
* Option to run vehicle climate control
* Zero idling
* Fuel and maintenance savings
* Unlimited power for critical electronics
* Multiple charging sources
* Fully customizable
* Optional solar integration
* Track fuel & CO2 savings